Design in The Runes
(and Ogham)


Updated: 29th August 2023

When I started my study of The Runes, all I wanted was a simple answer to a simple question: Why are The Runes how they are?

While a handful of scholarly works initially seem to consider this question, none of the answers are satisfactory, even to scholars. They are merely descriptive and always unconvincing.

When I couldn't find a clear answer, I decided to clarify my questions:

The common belief is that The Runes are the effect of random mutation on some known alphabet, itself assumed to be random. For this reason, the majority of scholars do not consider such questions to be meaningful. Most research into the origin of The Runes, therefore, aims to determine which of the known alphabets it is.

Early in my study, I noted patterns in the order and shapes of The Runes. This observation led me to think that the order and shapes of The Runes may not be random. When I discovered a connection between the shapes and sounds of The Runes and the order of Ogham, I became convinced.

I had recognised a genetic relationship between The Runes and Ogham. By comparing these two different but related systems, I could confirm that their order, shapes and sounds were not random. I began to imagine their common ancestor.

The order, shapes and sounds of this common ancestor must be regular. The Runes and Ogham can not be regular and of common descent if their common ancestor was not regular in a similar manner. When considering known alphabets, rejecting genuinely random alphabets as candidates appears reasonable.

The conclusion of this argument must be that The Runes and Ogham cannot be the descendants of any known alphabet.

Using this platform, I aim to substantiate my claim that The Runes and Ogham are similarly regular and to reconstruct their common ancestor. Together, we will examine the nature and properties of this proto-script and explore its exciting implications.

I will leave you with an obvious question: if they did not come from any known alphabet, where could The Runes and Ogham have come from?